Active Income is earned in USD from the sales of NT+ Mining Power (MP). 

You can earn more Active Income by referring more people to purchase NT+ MP with you as their referral/introducer.

Your NT+ account is immediately eligible to earn Active Income (1st level of the Unilevel structure) once you have fully activated your account by remitting the Registration Fee. If you would like to expand your Active Income earnings to more than one level, please check with the person who introduced NT+ to you.  

Active Income can also be used to repurchase MP for yourself and to purchase MP for a member of your organizational structure (your downline). 

To view your Active Income:

1. Log in to your personal NT+ BackOffice via

2. Select "My Wallet" from the Navigation panel and then select "Active Wallet".

3. You can also view the summary of your Active Income by selecting, "My Income" and then "Active Income" from the Navigation panel.